Working for You

During his time in Cheyenne, Barry rolled up his sleeves and worked to provide Johnson County and Sheridan County voters with a respected voice in the legislature. This effort paid off to ensure your voices were heard and that our district had a capable and competent voice in Cheyenne.

Because of Barry’s effective representation, this year the Legislature passed several bills that specifically benefit the people of Senate District 22:

  • House Bill 45 – As the lead sponsor of this bill, Barry fought to put a cap on residential property taxes for all homes in Wyoming and put an end to the sky-rocketing increases we have all seen over the last few years.

  • Senate File 77 – Barry helped to protect the state’s critical infrastructure from foreign bad actors.

  • House Bill 1 – Barry voted to ensure sustainable funding for mental health treatment.

  • HB 116 - Barry helped to ensure landowners received notice of Sage Grouse core areas on their private property


Barry Crago Takes Action